By the time you read this email you probably adjusted your watch and are ready for winter. When temperatures fall and days get shorter many home buyers stop house hunting. Right now, builders are offering up-to $90K in discounts when you plan to buy this Fall.

While others hibernate, you have a tremendous opportunity to snag a deal on a completely new home before the end of the year. Let me explain …

img used for fall back builders offer up to 90 k discounts article

Why You Should Buy Now!

Builders have geared up construction over the summer. While most new homes starting building for specific buyers, builders often end up with a few extra homes in their portfolio.

These Inventory Homes are on the builder’s’ books, tie up their cash and need to be sold quickly.

Builders are eager to give discounts to buyers before the end of the year, because they want to end the year strong and clear their balance sheets.

This is a huge opportunity for serious buyers. If you’ve been looking for a home throughout the year, but got discouraged by the competitive market and multiple offers on most listings, this is your chance to snag a deal.

Success Story

I have helped numerous buyers purchase a brand-new inventory home.

One of my clients was looking to buy an existing home this spring. They did not want to wait 8 months to build new. None of the listings met their criteria in their price range.

Then I discovered a “Market Home“. It had been listed for 5 months, and the list price had been adjusted repeatedly. The builder was clearly motivated to sell. This opened the door to a lower offer.

After some skillful negotiations, my customers purchased their dream home for $100,000 below the builder’s reproduction price.

Up To $90,000 Discounts!

One of the builders who’s offering a good number of inventory homes at substantial discounts is Fischer Homes. A week ago, they had a total of 18 inventory homes for sale in Central Ohio – 2 in Dublin – with discounts as high as $90,000 as compared to the price to build the same house new.

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The Pros & Cons of Inventory Homes

I am a big fan of inventory homes, and so are my customers who purchased one. Here are a few reasons why you should consider buying one:

  •  You get a totally new home.
  •  No 6-8 month wait while it finishes building.
  •  You may still be able to pick paint colors and some finishes.
  •  Receive a substantial discount without the new-build price.
  •  IF it was a model home, you get the top of the line with all of the options.

There a very few CONs to buying an inventory home:

  •  Can’t design the layout of your home.
  •  May not be able to get all the options you want.
  •  You need to buy during the off season (NOW) to take advantage of substantial discounts.

How to Buy an Inventory Home

If you’ve been searching for a new home all year, now’s your chance to get a great deal.

Here’s how to go about it: Call or text me at (614) 975-9650 first!

Let’s discuss exactly what you are looking for, and I will explore which homes are currently available. As I have relationships with many local builders, I can help you negotiate the best deals and maybe even find a home that has not yet made the list on the MLS.