Who Died in that House?
DiedInHouse.com helps you find out if anyone died at the house you plan to buy. You will uncover the murders, suicides or even bizarre deaths that may have occurred at any property in the US. They charge a fee for the service.
Read the entertaining News and Sample sections of the website.
Are You Buying a Haunted House?
In this article you’ll discover 4 Ways to Tell, if Your House May be Haunted.
Note: In some states sellers may require you to disclose “psychological impacts” that may occur in the home.
The Most Haunted Zip Codes
This infographic shows the most haunted zip codes in America. Not surprisingly, Ohio and Michigan zip codes are among the top 5. Click on the picture to see the full list.
Will Cemeteries Lower the Value of Your Home?
Do you want to know, if homes near cemeteries sell for more or less than homes that are farther away from cemeteries? The folks at Redfin did some research, and found …
Click here if you are dying to discover their secret.
Doom Funk
Did all of those spooky stories scare you? It’s time to relax and listen to Halloween music by Gramps the Vamp. My son is a member of this Chicago band. They call their style of music Doom Funk, which is perfect for Halloween. Take a listen below!
Aside from this scary stuff, November and December are excellent months to sell your home. There’s less competition and buyers seem to have better commitment.
Call or text me at (614) 975-9650 and let’s discuss your home selling or buying plans.